10 years challenge .

In last 10 years of my journey from yesterday to tomorrow , I have noticed time is constant, we can’t go out of the boundaries of time ; yet unrequired protagonist . To guitarists , guitar is their instruments. To music , guitarists are it’s instruments . Same applies with human race when we compare it with respect to time . At the end When all noise ceases, you will figured out you were never been a seperate entity; you were only trying to make life more complicated than it already was ; like translation in French language.
During the last ten years of my life ,I learn alot . I forget alot too. Because sometimes, unlearning is just important as learning . Now , can’t think of anything sadder than the evolution of signatures . There was a time I used to believe nature has two side , and I must be on the right side of things that’s why there was dot on the one side. So my signature has a earth with separation line in centre but that’s not how I can consider myself a individual . As you know individual represents not divisible. At the moment you starts yourself categorising , you put yourself in the process of division . Well, it took me 10 years to understand that I am not different from others , I am the one, I am the whole of this universe ; not a seperate entity . We all are just a different manifestation of that one thing . We have resolved the whole universe in many parts ; yet unable to resolve it at into its origin. And I feel like none of us really understand the things as they are , so I stopped seperating myself from them and changed my 10 year old signature in 2019 .

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